Who is Kristien Debougnoux?


I am Kristien Debougnoux, an international HR Professional with a strong business orientation. Throughout my career, I worked with business leaders on the development and deployment of strategic change. My focus is on supporting business leaders with engaging their management and employees to successfully deploy change.


As a HR leader, I have experience in HR strategy development and deployment, in building HR teams, in optimizing HR processes and HRIS systems and managing the full employee life cycle.  

Going forward

After 30 years of corporate life, I have set up my own business and I am looking for close cooperation with business leaders to work on making strategic changes successful and lasting.

Make teams successful

I am a pragmatic and practical individual who likes to see the effects of my work in real life.


My curiosity and eagerness to understand and learn has brought me to unexpected places and projects like living and working in the US.


I get energized by the team dynamics I see evolving during projects. My biggest achievement is to see the team succeed!


I am fascinated by business dynamics and how people in organisations respond to them.

I cherish these values

Respect for local and international laws

Respect for human rights, anti-corruption rules, GDPR and EHS-best practices

Transparent, open and honest cooperation

Reliable and trustworthy

Respect for others and myself

Eager to learn and continued personal growth

I cherish these values

Respect for local and international laws

Respect for human rights, anti-corruption rules, GDPR and EHS-best practices

Transparent, open and honest cooperation

Reliable and trustworthy

Respect for others and myself

Eager to learn and continued personal growth